Gentle Sleep Aid to Remember the Magic of Our Coffee Shop Day
Cozy period comfort while sharing memories of our journey together
Softly Spoken- Sleep Aid and Praise to Help You Drift Off
The Gentle Vampire- Whispered Sleep Aid for Sweet Dreams
Cozy Cuddles to Ease Your Pregnancy Stress
I'll Keep You Forever- My Yandere Promise
Softly Spoken- Easing a Panic episode with Our Beautiful Memories
Cuddly period comfort while sharing the details of our first date
Whispers of a toxic boyfriend yandere who won't let you escape
Caught in the sweet chaos of your toxic boyfriend yandere's love
Vampire Dreams- Embrace Sleep with Your Boyfriend's Gentle Voice
Soothing you through a panic time with fond memories of our start
Gentle Reassurances from Your Boyfriend for Your Pregnancy Journey
Loving Yandere Whispers- Together Forever